OFAH to receive funding

The Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (OFAH) is pleased to receive funding from the newly established Recreational Fisheries Conservation Partnership Program. The program will provide $10 million over two years to help local groups fund conservation projects that support the protection, restoration and rebuilding of recreational fishing habitat.
The funding will help projects focused on cold water streams with known trout and salmon populations and will go towards the following:
- Mitigating barriers to fish passage
- Plantings and habitat enhancements
- Bank stabilisations
- Debris and log jam removal
Fishing in Canada is big business and contributes over $8 billion annually to the national economy. This funding will help ensure the protection of fish and fish habitat and provide enhanced fishing opportunities for present and future generations through the protection and restoration of Ontario’s recreational fishery.
The Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters is Ontario’s largest, nonprofit, fish and wildlife conservation-based organization, representing 100,000 members, subscribers and supporters, and 710 member clubs.
To learn more, visit www.ofah.org