Trade In & Upgrade
It’s time you got the boat you deserve. You’ve earned it.

What’s your boat worth? Let’s find out.
Different seasons of your life have different needs. The boat you needed yesterday may not be the boat you deserve today. Families grow. Children grow up. Interests evolve.
Thankfully, that doesn’t mean starting over. With a Lifetime Hull Guarantee, a Legend boat maintains its value for an incredibly long time. Non-Legend boats may also have a lot of value left in them, ready to be traded for an upgrade.
How it Works:
1. Fill in the form below
In 3 easy steps, you’ll tell us who you are, the boat you’re looking to trade-in, and the Legend boat you’ve got your eye on
2. Bring in your boat
A Memory Maker will contact you to arrange an in-person trade-in valuation.
3. Trade-in
Assuming you agree with our valuation, your nearest Legend dealer will help you trade-in your current boat for your dream boat.