Boat Show or Showroom: The Benefits of Both

Boat show season is just around the corner. Across Canada, you will have several opportunities to attend boat shows – but why should you? What makes the boat show experience so unique? Alternatively, are there any reasons why visiting your local showroom instead would offer you a better boat-buying experience?
We’ve compiled the benefits of both options, to help you make the best decision for yourself.
Benefits of Attending a Boat Show
Seminars and Shows
Boat shows are significant events, so you can expect to hear about different seminars while attending. These seminars are great resources to take advantage of, providing you with insight to help you decide which boat style or brand will suit you best.
Some seminars focus on angling, some on watersports, and some on general boating. With a variety of options available, you’ll find one that will support you in the boat-buying process.
Plus, if you’ve ever attended the Toronto International Boat Show, you know that you can expect some excitement on their indoor lake! From watersports to indoor paddle boating and kayaking, there’s truly something fun for everyone.
1-on-1 with Salespeople
Have questions about which model is best for your family? Want to know which Mercury motor will satisfy your boating needs? You will have 1-on-1 time with a salesperson who can walk you through your options in a low-pressure environment.
The salespeople working boat shows are competing with several other brands. Meaning it is in their best interest to provide you with the best customer experience. From answering your questions to walking you through the best options for you, the salespeople are there for you. At Legend Boats, we affectionately refer to our salespeople as Memory Makers because that is what they are. It is their job to help your family create memories that will last a lifetime.
Boat shows are typically well-staffed, so even when salespeople are busy, you won’t be waiting long before someone is available to help you.
See More Boats In Person
See your favourite models in person! If you don’t live close to a dealership but have been considering the purchase of a new boat, this is where you’ll want to be!
Regardless of the extensive research you’ve done, nothing beats seeing the boats in person. You’ll be able to sit on the furniture, see the layout, and get the (almost) full experience of the boat. Having the opportunity to see the boat in person will help you make a decision that you can feel confident in.
Dealerships attend boat shows because they want to sell boats. This means that they are coming prepared to be competitive with their prices.
While it may be counterintuitive to believe that the middle of Winter is the best time to buy a boat, it is. It’s very likely that if you’re looking to purchase a boat for this upcoming season, you won’t see prices like this again until the end of the season.
Benefits of Visiting a Showroom
The Power of Choice
The freedom to choose can be beneficial. Knowing where you are in the boat buying process will help you determine whether you have too much choice or just enough. Boat shows are valuable if you’re new to boating and seeking guidance on what to look for or if you’re nearly ready to make a decision, but still comparing a few different models.
If you are somewhere in the middle, boat shows can be overwhelming. Instead of leaving feeling confident about your decision, you might leave being even less sure about what boat is right for you. This is where visiting a showroom will offer a better experience. With fewer models, you are less likely to be overwhelmed with choices, and you can focus on two to three boats that you’re interested in.
Regardless of where you are in your boat-buying journey, remember that salespeople are there to help you. Don’t be afraid to ask questions – especially if you feel those questions will help you make your decision.
Calm Shopping
Showrooms are much less crowded than boat shows. If you are someone who doesn’t enjoy large crowds or excessive noise, you will much prefer the showroom experience. Shopping during the day between Monday – Friday will also contribute to a more positive experience.
Need help finding a showroom near you? You can find your closest Legend Dealer here.
A Streamlined Experience
Typically when you visit a showroom, you schedule an appointment. Even if you simply walk in without pre-booking an appointment, there is usually an intake process. If you have to wait for a salesperson to become available, it is not unlikely for somebody to offer you a beverage and a comfortable space to wait.
If this is the kind of experience that has historically worked best for you, you will likely much prefer the showroom experience. Boat shows can tend to be chaotic, and even with the best intentions of creating a streamlined experience, that is simply not the nature of these events.
Be Prepared
Boat Show Game Plan
Boat shows are not insignificant events. They are hosted in large venues, and there are several different boat brands, types, styles, etc. for you to choose from. Going in without a game plan can dampen your experience. Our three biggest tips for creating your boat show game plan are:
- Purchase your tickets in advance – tickets are often available for sale online, and purchasing them in advance means not having to wait in a big line to get in.
- Choose which dealerships you want to visit – having some kind of direction and plan in place will make your experience less stressful. Typically, vendors will post online about their presence, so you should know where their booth is located.
- Try to attend the show early in the week – weekends and days later in the week tend to be the busiest. For a more relaxing shopping experience, you’ll want to avoid those massive crowds.
Check, Check, Check
Going into a boat show with a checklist is going to help you improve your shopping experience tenfold. Not only will you know what you want, but you will be able to better relay this information to your salesperson (or salespeople if you are visiting multiple booths). Some items that you should have on your checklist include:
- Your budget
- What you will be using your boat for (fishing, cruising, watersports, or entertainment)
- Know the range of horsepower that you are looking for (Knowing your answer to the above question will help with this, but a salesperson will help you narrow it down to the best choice for you.)
- Have a list of dealers that have models that will suit your needs, and prioritize speaking to those dealerships
- Remember – our salespeople are there to guide you as you make your decision. We strive to provide a no-pressure sales environment, giving you the space to make the best decision for you and your boating needs.
Have Fun!
More important than anything else mentioned in this blog, make sure you have fun!
Take a look at this 2023 Toronto International Boat Show interview with Linda Waddell, President & Show Director, Canadian Boat Shows Inc.
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